jananne al-ani
nick crowe
luck kimble
erika tan













  jananne al-ani    
  identinet commissionprevious work

1997, slide projection, 10 minutes
The relationship between the viewer/photographer and the veiled woman is one which informs an ongoing body of work by Al-Ani exploring the Western fascination with the image of the veil. 'Veil' is a large slide projection work in which the monumental faces of five women are alternately revealed then concealed by the veil. The gaze of the women is direct, confrontational even. The work challenges the myth of the subjugated, sexualised 'oriental' woman as object and aims to unnerve the viewer as they face an unyielding glare.

The King's Chamber
1998, video, 3 minutes
'The King's Chamber' is another of Al-Ani's works which addresses the disruption in the voyeuristic relationship between the viewer and subject. The piece hints at the related tropes in Western painting of the bathing woman and the Orientalist cliché of the odalisque or harem member. We watch, unseen, as a woman relaxes while she bathes. Despite exciting the possibility of pleasure, very little happens. She reads a magazine, sips wine and stares blankly into space.

2001, video, 1 minute
By borrowing existing structures of games and play in her work, Al-Ani investigates the unfolding relationships between the participants. In 'Reel', Al-Ani focuses the camera on five pairs of feet performing, with varying degrees of confidence, a simple Irish dance. One pair of feet lead, the others follow. The performers become incidental, as their relationship of co-operation and dependency, both on the other participants, and on a knowledge of the steps, becomes apparent.

2001, video, 1.5 minutes
'Cradle' is a video work which focuses on the hands of two pairs of players engaged in the simple game of Cat's Cradle. The work demonstrates that for a game to be successful, it is vital that all the participants know 'the rules'. Al-Ani's interest in staging and performance, hierarchy and power is clear. The experienced players enjoy a fluid and elegant exchange but as soon as one player lacks the necessary skills, progress becomes impossible.



An Arts Council of England / Channel 4 Collaboration




